INTRODUCTION  … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru







I was writing a lot about analyzing and defining life.


And i even wrote a book with this title.

But my real purpose from that time was to make the people understand that after understanding all what is going on ….they could realize how their lives could be redefined … into the way they want it to look like.

I’ve also wrote about the non sense …. and all the pathless paths i was following …. but still .. i felt that i was not defining properly all what was happening on the stage of my life.

But meditating more … one day … i had the courage to say it …

Yes … i was doing lots, lots of stupid things.

And it was worst than that … cause i was in fact aware of all that.

The paradox was that even if i realized all what was going on … i enjoyed doing all those things.

People around me … started to whisper that it’s not ok all what i am doing …. but …

I refused to listen … to anyone.



I was acting like a child that was actually enjoying to do …

stupid things.

It was like i was following … an amazing journey.

Today … i just stoped judging myself.

Also … do all my best to stop judging the others.

I don’t say anything when i see someone that is smoking 2 packs of cigarettes a day.

… or someone that is drinking one bottle of vodka every night.

And i pretend i don’t see what is going on …. when some of my friends are smoking marihuana all the time.

The list of examples … is infinite…

But … yes … I used to judge them.

All of them.

I was analyzing and defining them … in such an ugly way.

I could not find the strength … to accept their behavior … their decisions of doing … stupid things.

And in the same time … i was enjoying my own pathless paths.

The ones … of doing those damn stupid things.

Today … i try to practice … the acceptance of all what is going on … on the stage of life.

Whatever happens … good or bad … i see it as part of the experience of being into this Universe.

It s like … all … is actually part of the process.

So … accepting and embracing real life … the way it is … and even defining it as an amazing journey … became for me the key …

That key … that would allow me … to enjoy life.

And also to all the others … from here.



Download the book ”Doing stupid things ... an amazing journeywritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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